
we share coz we care.....


So, in conjunction with the band's "Kill Bill" theme I decided to change things up around here a little...
This is only part of the theme that I got to work, will edit more a little later (and then this post can go into the trash... hehe)

As a reference, our soon-to-be new blog header!

EDIT: Changed the blog picture!

Hey guys! Naito here!

So if you know anything about us by now, you'll know that we're ex-STF bandgirls (ahehehehe)... and the band has just finished a round of furious performing on July 5th. NATCOMP!

Izyan couldn't make it, but I made a short vlog about our (my) experience staying with the band as a volunteer so she'll feel like she's right there with us ;u; I've been meaning to do a behind-the-scenes sort of thing involving the band just to give a glimpse of what band life is like - this is a more personal portrayal of what it's like to be an STF Band supporter, out on the field helping the kids get up on their feet and hit the ground running.

Most of the videos are really raw - I didn't cut anything out between clips, so that I could capture the candidness of the atmosphere. This is what it was like to be down there, though my only regret is that I didn't take enough videos, haha. :3

I've had the best two days of my life - and I hope the atmosphere and spirit of the band and its supporters continues to be this strong forever.

And now to the bloggy stuff! Photo time!
(click to see full size)

Painting the Color Guards' flags on the morning of the competition

The band in the holding area, awaiting the go-ahead for rehearsal

0711 volunteers on rehearsal day

Mommy Zera and the emergency bassdrum skin


The 0711 batch reunited

Loyal supporters!

There were a few people helping out with the props, markers, and all... Those officially-called 'helpers' were issued tags so that we could come in without tickets (though honestly they never checked properly..)

Helpers Zera and Naito

Gemuruh jiwa!

The stadium as seen from our seats

All bands at the stadium, waiting for results

Welcome to NATCOMP/MWBC 2013!

And as promised, the vlogs!

Behind-the-scenes: Day 1

Behind-the-scenes: Day 2 (Game Day)

STF Band NATCOMP Performance


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    kick off your shoes and lepak wif us...the bloggers are Mai (Hikari Naito), Aina and Izyan...three person many stories one world....haha...camner??
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