Dah 3 bulan tercampak kat Kelana Jaya for a short course,secara jujurnya aku tak de la belajar BI sangat sebab silibus City and Guilds for level aku lebih kurang je dengan level SPM tapi cukup membantula for enhancing speaking skills and confidence.
Salam. Sorry for leaving without words for such a long period. Alhamdulillah, semua berjalan lancar sejak beberapa minggu yang lalu...( tak boleh nak cakap bulan sebab belum lama sangat...)
Okay, entry kali ni quite ....not very interesting to make people laugh or whatever you guys wanna say but i just want to share bout something which technically, troubled my life a lot.
May be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods.
True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for weeks or longer.
Yup,it sounds not too serious till you put yourself in my shoes. Aku kene bende nih. Dah lama dah. Sejak dari sekolah lagi, tapi dulu tak lah serious sebab aku anggap waktu tuh aku stress. Kalau korang perasan, aku selalu bad mood or tak memasal nak marah orang, tak puas hati and kadang-kadang selalu tak nak join any conversation. Actually, aku tak nak bad mood aku tu spoiled kan mood orang lain.
Lately, bila dah keluar sekolah, penyakit nih menjadi-jadi. Aku tak tau nak share dengan sesiapa. My mom anggap I just being redicolous and talking nnsense. sebab tu lepascakap ngan mak aku, i will burst into tears caused nothing were solved. waktu awal tahun dulu, aku selalu lah call Aina, share about it. Then survey internet, search for cure. Try buat-buat busy. kemas rumah. Draw...(selalu keluar idea yang bombastic time tengah depress). So far, i thought it gonna works, memang lah rumah kemas, bilik bersih, family happy, but me? NOTHING. Still, i felt something is/was empty inside. Aku doa lah juga, hope Allah tenangkan hati, bagi petunjuk, hope jumpa apa masalah.....
Outside, I always be me. You can see there's time i was , streight forward,brave,tough,full spirited, cheerfull, crazy?...what ever. Deep inside, there's this dark side of me that slowly bring me backward, low self esteem and confidence. So guys, if you can help me, please, just tell me, if you don't, it's okay just to know what is going on with me. I glad to share, really memang blog ni tujuannya untuk share anything. I hope you guys , friends out there, janganlah terbawa-bawa stress tuh. cepat-cepat cool down.
We can never go UP without being DOWN .