Alriiiiight, another notice!
mendengar suaramu sudah cukup membuatkan aku terkesima,
P/S: LOL :-)
So.. I know everyone's noticing that the blog's layout is changing quite frequently now... The current theme came from Pimp My Profile and it's gonna serve as an experimental template for further changes that I'll be adding later, so sorry if it's a little bare for now..
Just to tell everyone reading this that things are going to keep changing for a while until we settle with something we all like.
Yours Truly,
So my family just got a new Wii Balance Board, see?
And now everyone's using it for a certain (sometimes) mundane activity that is necessary in life, yet rarely done by a majority of people: EXERCISE.
Yes, the new object so closely resembling a white, high-tech plank has managed to pique the interest of my entire family, including my little sisters, who don't really weigh enough to be detected by the sensors, but go ahead and jump on it anyway.
It (the box anyway) came from Korea, complete with Korean instructions, as well as a Chinese Wii Fit Plus game. Hooray for Asians!
Also got Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers and Metroid: Other M games for the Wii!
So, besides the board and the games, me n' my family haven't been doing much.
Don't forget to check out my dad's Youtube channel (meorwz) for new vids!
Automatic by Tokio Hotel
(Automatic,automatic, automatic)
You're automatic
and your heart like an engine,
I die with every beat,
You're automatic
and your voice is electric,
why do i still believe?
It's automatic
Every word in your letter
A lie that make me bleed
It's automatic when you say things get better
but they never..
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
Why do i keep loving you
It's automatic counting car on the cross road
They come and go like you
It's automatic
watching faces i don't know
Erase the face of you
It's automatic
So traumatic
You're automatic
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
There's no real love in you
Why do i keep loving you?
Each step you make
Each breath you take
Your heard, your soul
Remote controlled
This life is so sick
You're automatic to me
Dedicated to someone related wif my life.......19, gud luck wif your LIFE......
The Mad Lab Crew!!!!
Sehari sebelum umat Islam menyambut hari raya aidiladha yang lepas,emak saya memberitahu saya tentang e-mail yang baru diterimanya dari rakan sekerja.Ye la..,saya pun layan je la.Dengar,dengar dan dengar..ceritanya membuatkan saya sedikit terkejut.Rupa-rupanya e-mail yang baru diterimanya menceritakan tentang kisah yang berlaku terhadap seorang doktor.
Suatu hari,doktor tersebut telah menerima seorang wanita tua sebagai pesakitnya.Wanita tersebut bolehla dikategorikan berumur dalam lingkungan 70-an.Datang pula seorang diri..jalan pun terketar-ketar.
Doktor tersebut meninjau-ninjau di luar kliniknya.Sangkanya ada orang yang menghantar wanita tersebut..rupanya tiada..Doktor tersebut pun menghampiri pesakitnya,wanita tua itu.."Mak cik datang sini seorang diri je ke?"Wanita tersebut mengangguk perlahan..Doktor tersebut berkata lagi,"Mak cik datang sini naik bas."ringkas sahaja jawapan wanita tersebut.
Terkedu sebentar doktor itu..Jarak stesen bas dengan kliniknya boleh tahan jauh.Mak cik ni datang sini..jalan kaki je?Doktor tersebut tidak bertanya lagi.
Selepas rawatan,doktor tersebut bertanya lagi.."Mak cik nak balik nanti dengan apa?"
"Dengan bas"..
"Anak mak cik tak ambik mak cik ke?"
Wanita tersebut terdiam sebentar lantas berkata yang anaknya tidak mahu menghantarnya.Sangka doktor tersebut yang anak wanita tersebut busy..Korek punye korek,rupa-rupanya anaknya tidak berpuas hati terhadap pembahagian harta yang dibuat oleh wanita tersebut..katanya tidak adil.Dan anaknya tidak mahu menghantar ibunya ke klinik..Dibiar ibunya terkial-kial seorang diri.Kerana harta.
Lalu doktor ni pun dengan baik hatinya menghantar wanita tua tersebut pulang ke rumah..Wanita tua tersebut tinggal bersama anaknya.
Sampai sahaja di rumah wanita tersebut,doktor itu melihat elok sahaja si anak wanita tersebut sedang mencuci kereta..
Ye,tengah cuci kereta..
Doktor tersebut hanya mampu melihat.Si anak ada kereta tapi sanggup melihat ibunya yang tua mengambil bas untuk ke klinik..
Di mana rasa hormatnya sebagai anak terhadap ibunya?
by Aina
aku.kami.semua...itu dah melambangkan apa yang bakal diperkatakan dalam blog ni..(haha..formalnye..)Cerita-cerita yang akan kami sampaikan akan berkisarkan tentang kehidupan kami di sekolah dan juga pengalaman hidup sendiri..untuk dikongsi bersama.
Semua orang ada pengalaman masing-masing cuma di blog ni,masing-masing ada pandangan sendiri..
Point of view masing-masingla maknenye..
Dan rasenye mai dengan izyan dah pun membebel serba sedikit tentang blog ni..
Jadi inilah..
This is HikariNaito (hehee, Mai in real life) and I AM HERE. MUHUAHAHA.
So.... Izyan's said pretty much everything down there. We've been excited about this since before school ended!
Alright, so I'm in charge of graphics and design... sort of. I'm gonna be putting custom graphics on the blog.... soon. =P
To avoid confusion, blue is my text colour for posts by me (Mai).
Salam, i'm so excited about this. This is our side project idea (Aina, Mai and of course me!). Setelah sekian mase menjalani hidup yang mencabar di dunia asrama yang penuh haru biru ni, we all agreed nk share dengan semua orang. It is interesting actually bcoz not all facing the same life, rite??
Other than that, we all akan jadikan blog ni as a page where we can express our ideas and feelings. That is why we named it Aku. Kami. Semua coz it will be written by each one of us. The story about kami and story about semua....get it?
Erm,, thats all for starting...Till we meet again!!!